Once you’ve installed Bluestacks, you should see this screen. An emulator is basically a program that allows you to generally play mobile apps on your PC, not just MapleStory. How To Play MapleStory M On Your PC ( Windows ) Choose the “Talk to a Maple Admin” dialogue option and then select “Check Maple M Link String.” How do I play M on Windows MapleStory? Once you’ve logged in using your Nexon account, travel to the Event Hall and speak to the Maple Administrator NPC. The code to link your MapleStory account to MapleStory M is available by logging in to MapleStory ( PC ).
8 Can you play MapleStory M on BlueStacks?.7 Can MapleStory M play with PC players?.5 Is MapleStory mobile cross platform PC?.2 How do I play M on Windows MapleStory?.